Vereistes om as Toegewyde Jagter te kwalifiseer

Om as Toegewyde Jagter te registreer onder die nuwe vuurwapenwet, moet aan die volgende vier vereistes voldoen word:

1. Jy moet 'n opbetaalde lid van 'n geakkrediteerde jagtersvereniging wees.

2. Jy moet aansoek doen op die wetlik voorgeskrewe aansoekvorm en die voorgeskrewe aansoekgelde betaal. (Laai asseblief die vorm in PDF formaat onderaan hierdie bladsy af, druk dit uit en vul dit baie volledig in - slegs as jy bewyse kan lewer dat jy aan voorwaarde 3 hieronder voldoen. Handig dit dan saam met R200 in by jou taksekretaris sodat dit op die volgende takbestuursvergadering deur jou takbestuur goedgekeur kan word)

3. Jy moet 'n minimum persentasie in die CHASA skriftelike eksamen behaal en 'n praktiese skiettoets slaag. (Skakel die Opleidings Ofisier van jou tak vir meer besonderhede)

4. Jy moet ten minste 3 aktiwiteite van bogenoemde Geakkrediteerde Vereniging (byvoorbeeld BJV of enige CHASA-geaffilieerde vereniging) jaarliks bywoon. Indien jy egter 3 jagte in die jaar gedoen het, sal dit ook tel as aktiwiteite, MITS jy verifieerbare bewyse van hierdie jagte aan jou taksekretaris of sekretaresse voorlê. Let asseblief daarop dat die onus op jou, as Toegewyde Jagter, rus om bewyse van jou aktiwiteite voor te lê en te verifieer. Gewoonlik word elke aktiwiteit by BJV wat jy bywoon, opgedateer volgens die bywoningsregister. Daar is Aktiwiteits-logboeke by jou tak beskikbaar - koop nou vir jou een en dan kan jy elke aktiwiteit en jag daarin aanteken en die verantwoordelike persoon (byvoorbeeld Baanoffisier of Jagplaaseienaar) daarby laat teken en dan is dit maklik om net vroeg in Desember elke jaar 'n afskrif van hierdie logboek aan jou taksekretaris of sekretaresse te oorhandig sodat hy/sy jou rekord kan opdateer op die ledelys en jou Voorsitter kan verifieer dat jy nog steeds 'n aktiewe lid is, soos die wet dit jaarliks vereis.

Requirements to qualify as a Dedicated Hunter:

To register as a Dedicated Hunter under the new Firearms Act, the following four requirements must be met:

1. You must be a paid-up member of an accredited hunters' association.

2. You must apply on the legally prescribed application form and pay the prescribed application fee. (Pleasedownload the form in PDF format at the bottom of this page,
print it out and fill it out in full - only if you can provide proof that you meet condition 3 below. Then hand it in with your tax secretary for R200 so that it can be the next branch management meeting can be approved by your branch management)

3. You must obtain a minimum percentage in the CHASA written examination and pass a practical shooting test. (Contact your Branch Training Officer for more details)

4. You must attend at least 3 activities of the above Accredited Association (for example BHA or any CHASA affiliated association) annually. However, if you have done 3 hunts in the year, it will also count as activities, PROVIDED you submit verifiable evidence of these hunts to your branch secretary or secretary. Please note that the onus is on you, as a Dedicated Hunter, to submit and verify evidence of your activities. Usually every activity at BHA that you attend is updated according to the attendance register. There are Activity Logs available at your branch - buy one now and then you can record every activity and hunt in it and have the responsible person (for example Range Officer or Hunting Farm Owner) sign it and then it is easy to just in early December every year hand over a copy of this logbook to your branch secretary or secretary so that he / she can update your record on the membership list and your Chairperson can verify that you are still an active member, as required by law annually.

Voordele van die Toegewyde Jagter status

1. Jy behoort (wanneer die huidige herlisensiëringsproses eers voltooi is), jou volgende vuurwapenlisensie aansoeke vinniger en makliker geprossesseer te kry by die SAPD.

2. Jy is volgens wet geregtig op meer as 4 vuurwapens (anders as die “gewone” mens wat net 4 mag hê)

3. Jy mag meer as 200 patrone vir elke vuurwapen in jou besit hê

4. Jou jagwapens se lisensies hoef eers na 10 jaar hernu te word waar persone wat nie hierdie status het nie, se wapenlisensies slegs vir 5 jaar geldig is. (CHASA het beding dat hierdie voordeel ook vir "Geleentheidsjagters" geld)

5. Jy is geregtig om sekere semi-outomatiese vuurwapens te lisensieer waar ander dit nie mag doen nie.

Sien ook die skrywe vanaf CHASA ontvang oor vrae wat hulle dikwels oor TJ status ontvang : Dubbelkliek asb op die PDF leêr "Dedicated Hunter : Frequently asked questions" onder aan hierdie bladsy.

Benefits of Dedicated Hunter Status

1. You should (once the current re-licensing process has been completed), get your next firearm license applications processed faster and easier by the SAPS.

2. You are entitled by law to more than 4 firearms (unlike the "ordinary" person who may only have 4)

3. You may have more than 200 cartridges for each firearm in your possession

4. Your hunting licenses need only be renewed after 10 years where the licenses of persons who do not have this status are only valid for 5 years. (CHASA has stipulated that this benefit also applies to "Opportunity Hunters")

5. You are entitled to license certain semi-automatic firearms where others may not.


See also the letters received from CHASA about questions they often receive about DH status: Please double click on the PDF file "Dedicated Hunter: Frequently asked questions" at the bottom of this page.

Hierdie kursus en eksamen kan aanlyn afgelê word of by u Tak geskryf word.

Die eksamen koste is R200-00, ongeag aanlyn of geskryf by u tak wat u aansoek, toegang tot kursusmateriaal en die teoretiese eksamen insluit.

U moet minstens 50% behaal vir die teorie om te slaag wat insluit 'n minimum van 70% vir wetgewing sowel as Vuurwapens en Veiligheid


This exam can be written online or at your branch.

This exam’s cost is R200, online or at your branch, this includes access to study material and the exam.

You need to pass this exam with at least 50 %, Including a minimum of 70% for Legislation and Firearms & Safety