Die Konfederasie van Jagverenigings van Suid-Afrika (Chasa) bestaande uit 23 Jagverenigings, het op 5 September 2009 tydens hul Raadsvergadering besluit om toe te tree tot die hofsaak ten opsigte van die ongeldigverklaring van Oorgangsbepalings van die Wet op die Beheer van Vuurwapens (Wet 60 van 2000).


Chasa sal met sy eie regsspan toetree tot die aksie as ‘n amicus curiae.  Bosveld Jagters- en Wildbewaringsvereniging het tydens hierdie Raadsvergadering sy steun toegesê aan Chasa.  ‘n Regsfonds is gestig en kan vuurwapeneienaars ‘n vrywillige bydrae tot hierdie fonds maak.  Die besonderhede van die Regsfonds is soos volg:


Bank :                         ABSA

Rekening Nr :             90 7205 8943

Takkode :                   632 005

Rekening Naam:       Bosveld Jagters Vereniging - Regsfonds


Sien asb ook pdf dokumente oor verwante aspekte ivm die wapenwet onder aan die bladsy




(29 Junie 2009)




Die uitspraak wat op Vrydag, 26 Junie 2009 in die Noord Gauteng se afdeling van die Hoogeregshof gelewer is in die aansoek van die SA Jagters-en Wildbewaringsvereniging (SAJWV)  teen die Minister van Veiligheid en Sekuriteit dat vuurwapenlisensies wat ingevolge die vorige Vuurwapenwet (1969) uitgereik, steeds geldig bly.


Die Hof het ‘n tussentydse interdik uitgereik wat sal geld tot die hoofaansoek om die grondwetlikheid van die oorgangsbepalings, soos vervat in die Wet op die Beheer van Vuurwapens (Wet 60 van 2000), beslis is. Dit beteken egter die volgende:



    ~ Dit beteken dat ‘n persoon in besit van ‘n vuurwapen lisensie/permit/magtiging uitgereik ingevolge van die Wet op Vuurwapens 1969 (Wet 75 van 1969) wettig in besit bly van die vuurwapen na 30 Junie 2009 en mag nie vervolg word nie.


    ~ Persone wat nog nie hul vuurwapens herlisensieer het nie en ook nog nie daarmee gehandel het nie, bly wettig in besit van die vuurwapens tot dat die Hof die hoofaansoek aangehoor het en uitspraak gelewer is.


    ~ In geval waar ‘n vuurwapen eienaar reeds met sy vuurwapen gehandel het, bv. vrywillige inhandiging, verkoop/skenk sal die administrasie proses nog steeds voortgaan. Vuurwapens wat vrywillig ingehandig is vir vernietiging by SAPD kantore sal nie terug gegee word aan die vorige eienaars nie. Vuurwapen eienaars wat hul vuurwapens verkoop/geskenk het en reeds hul vuurwapens by SAPD kantore ingehandig het vir veilige bewaring, mag die vuurwapens gaan afhaal en by hul berg.


    ~ Waar ‘n vuurwapen eienaar aansoek gedoen het vir ‘n tydelike permit i.g.v. Artikel 21 sal dit nog steeds aan hom uitgereik word.


    ~ Alle bergings permitte (SAPS 539) wat uitgereik is i.g.v die vorige Wet (Wet no 75 van 1969) bly van krag tot by verstryking van verval datum. By verstryking van verval datum mag daar weer ‘n SAPS 539 bergings permit uitgereik word i.g.v. Regulasie 86 (4) indien benodig.


    ~ Alle vuurwapens wat vir berging by vuurwapen handelaars /geweersmit ingehandig is (SAPS 539) bly geldig.


    ~ Waar ‘n vuurwapen eienaar se herlisensieering geweier is en sy apèl nie geslaag het nie, bly die persoon nog steeds wettig in besit van die betrokke vuurwapen tot verdere kennisgewing.



On Friday 26th June 2009, the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, issued an interim order pending the finalization of the main application in that all firearm licenses contemplated in sub-item 1 of Schedule 1 of the Firearms Control Act, 2000 (Act No 60 of  2000) (hereinafter “the Act”), will be deemed to be lawful and valid, pending final adjudication of the main application.


This effectively means that where a person is in possession of a firearm and relevant license, permit or authorization, issued in terms of the Arms and Ammunition Act, 1969 (Act No 75 of 1969) (hereinafter the “previous Act”), as amended, such a person will remain legally in possession of such firearm and may not be prosecuted in terms of section 3 of the Act. In terms of section 3 of the Act no person may possess a firearm unless he or she holds a license, permit or authorization issue in terms of the Firearms Control Act, 2000), for that firearm.


The main effect of the order is that persons (natural/juristic persons) who have not yet re-licensed their firearms as provided for in the transitional provisions of the Act, or have not yet disposed of the firearms as required by the Act, may lawfully remain in possession of those firearms after 30 June 2009, at least until the main application has been decided.


In the case where firearm owners have already opted to dispose of their firearms through deactivation, permanent exportation, voluntarily surrendered to the South African Police Service for destruction, or by selling/donating the firearm to another person/legal entity, such administrative processes related thereto must continue.


All firearms that have been voluntarily surrendered to the South African Police Service, for the purpose of destruction, will not be handed back to the original firearm owner.


Any person who opted to sell/donate their firearms to other persons/legal entity, and who in the meantime have surrendered such firearms for safe keeping to the South African Police Service, may retrieve (if so desired), their respective firearms and firearm licenses from the police stations where they were handed in.


In the case where a legal owner (seller/donor) has applied for a temporary authorization to possess a firearm in terms of section 21 (transitional period) of the Act, the respective Designated Firearms Officer must continue with the administrative process and issue the temporary authorizations. The firearm together with the firearm license, permit, authorization and/or the temporary authorization must be handed to such legal owner.


All storage permits issued for firearms in terms of the previous Act will remain valid until the expiry date of such permit. Further storage permits (SAPS 539) may be issued in terms of Regulation 86(4) of the Firearms Control Regulations, 2004, for a further period if required.


All firearms which are currently in safe storage with licensed firearm dealers and gunsmiths will remain valid and need not be handed to the South African Police Service for destruction.


In the case where a person applied for the renewal of his/her firearm license and such renewal application has been refused and/or the appeal has not been successful, such person may legally continue to possess such firearms in terms of the previous Act.













29 Junie 2009